We’ll be meeting in Monterey, CA (at the public library) from Aug 3rd to the 6th. Stay tuned for more details on transportation and lodging options! The cost for the conference will be about $20 (this amount subject to change upon final costs from suppliers), to be paid at the door, to cover coffee, water and snacks for us during the conference itself.
Hotels within 17 miles of the Monterey Public Library: https://bit.ly/226ibCS
A block of rooms is reserved at:
Colton Inn 707 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 1-800-848-7007 (831) 649-6500 Rate: 159.00 per night Nights are Aug 2 - 5 Wifi, parking, and continental breakfast are free Rooms are booked under "Koha" and available at the Koha rate until June 1
Folks calling in will need to provide a credit card, so that my card is released. Rooms can only be held through June 1, so book soon to secure a room. More rooms are available if folks are leaving before Saturday.
A second block of rooms is reserved at:
A block of rooms is reserved at: Casa Munras 700 Munras Avenue, Monterey, CA 800-222-2446 Email: reservations@innsofmonterey.com Rate: $179 per night Nights are Aug 2 – 5 Wifi and parking are free. Bakery nearby. Rooms are booked under “Koha North America Users Group” Rooms can only be held through June 17, so book soon to secure a room.
Folks calling in will need to provide a credit card, so that my card is released.
Local Information
The schedule for the conference will be posted here sometime toward the end of May, beginning of June, but the general “2 days of sessions, 2 days of hackfest” form will almost certainly be followed and there will be evening entertainments (right now, a reception hosted by another local library – details to come soon) for us as well. Stay tuned for that information!!
Final Schedule
August 3rd
8am – Registration
9am – Opening Statements and discussion about Mentorship in Koha
9:30am – Keynote – Christopher Brannon and Nick Clemens: Community and the future of Koha
10:30-11 – Break
11-12 – Chris Rohde – Innovations In Our Library – Using zones to optimize staff and enhance customer service in an automated library
12 – 1:30 lunch on your own
1:30 – 2:30 Nick Clemens SQL for Koha Beginners –
Nick works in support and development for ByWater Solutions and is a member of the Koha QA team for the 16.11 release. He has worked in small libraries and consortium settings in VT. A big believer in open source and user engagement he hopes to encourage participation in Koha’s worldwide community.
A brief introduction to SQL and the Koha database tables. We will examine the basic components of a report, how and where to edit a report for use in your library and then do a run through of what happens in the database when you click a button.
3-4 – Round Table discussions – Reports (Robin – Christopher Brannon) / Circulation (Nancy Keener)
August 4th
9am – Opening Statements/organization business and discussion of Koha US organization
9:30 – 10:30 Christopher Davis – Issues of Open Source Software in Libraries – Overview / Visual Aid
“Will utilizing OSS really save us money because it’s free? We don’t want to give up the functionality of our current software; what OSS alternatives are there for our current software? Don’t you need to be a computer programmer to use OSS; how hard is it to start using OSS? Is OSS a good alternative for our library? This presentation will begin with a review of what OSS is, its history, and its scope of interest and then move into a discussion of how libraries can integrate OSS into their daily operations.”
“Christopher Davis is serving as the Systems and Electronic Services Librarian at the Uintah County Library in Vernal Utah since 2008 where he supports, develops, manages, and plans library technologies such as the ILS (Koha), public and staff computing/printing, and access to online resources such as the library’s OPAC and databases. His education includes a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Utah and a Master of Library Science degree from Emporia State University (Kansas) with an emphasis in cataloging. He has over ten years of library work experience in academic, special, and public libraries. In his spare time, Christopher enjoys tinkering with computers, watching Star Trek, performing in music ensembles, and spending time with his wonderful wife and beautiful children.”
10:30-11am break
11-12 – Fred King – Modifying Koha For Unique Uses
12-1:30 Lunch provided by Bibliotecha – discussion of RFID products during lunch
1:30-2:30 Christopher Brannon – Self-check in Koha
3-4 Round Table Discussions – Cataloging (Nancy Keener) / Acquisitions (Sandre – Chris Rohde)
7pm – Dessert Reception at Pacific Grove Public Library (transportation provided)
August 5 – Hackfest
9am – Opening Statements and discussion on Koha’s Future
9:30 – 10:30 – Todd Goatley and Chris Rohde – Libki’s Future and How It’s Used In One Library
10:45 – 11:30 – Joy Nelson – Bibframe/Linked Data in Koha
11:30 – 1:30 Lunch and open topic discussion time
1:30 – 2:30 – Nick Clemens – Simple Bug Squashing
2:45 – 4 Breakout Groups: Guided Bug Squashing/Virtual Box setup
August 6 – Hackfest
9am – Opening Statements and discussion on Developments in Koha
9:30 – 10:30 – Breakout Session 1
10:30 – 11:30 – Breakout Session 2
11:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 – Breakout Session 3
2:45 – 3:45 – Breakout Session 4
3:45 – 4 – Wrap up and goodbye
Hackfest/Breakout session topics:
SQL for Reports
Tweaking Your Koha – (JQuery, CSS and HTML)
More Bug Squashing
Playing with Virtual Boxes
Please send your related questions/comments to rhastings at nekls dot org