koha-US mailing lists

All koha-US lists are powered by Google groups.

A Google account is not required to participate in these lists. All subscribers are able to interact with the list by addressing emails to the address for a specific group. If you are unable to subscribe to a list yourself, contact info@koha-us.org to be manually added.

For those with Google accounts, you should be able to self-subscribe to these lists in most cases. In addition to interacting with the groups directly via email, you may also access the lists a forum-style format by visiting https://groups.google.com/ while logged into the subscribed account.

Information on unsubscribing is available here: https://support.google.com/groups/answer/46608

Global Koha mailing lists

The global Koha mailing lists are powered by mailman.

Additional information on global lists is available here: https://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/