If you are a retuning member (you were a member last year), do not fill out this form. Please wait for your 2025 Membership Renewal Invitation email and fill out the Membership Renewal form here.
koha-US welcomes members from the global Koha community!Multiple individual memberships from any library/organization are welcomed and encouraged. Group, institutional, and consortium-level memberships are not available at this time.
This form is for those new to koha-US or those who are returning to koha-US that were not paid members in 2024. 2024 members received information on membership renewal through a separate process and should use the Membership Renewal form.
Completion of this form will generate invoice(s) that provide payment details. Invoice(s) are generated separately within three (3) business days. Payment forms are PayPal (M/V/AmEx/D — PayPal account NOT required) or check/money order.
All memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable once paid, and will not automatically renew. Memberships take effect on January 1, 2025 or when membership dues (25 USD per individual) are received, whichever is later. All 2025 memberships will expire on December 31, 2025.
Please provide the following information about your organization.
Select a single person to serve as your organization’s Primary Contact. This person will receive information about membership renewals and, based on other information provided in this form, may also serve as your billing contact.
Information about individual members will be collected on the next screen.
Please provide names and e-mail addresses for those in your institution requesting 2025 koha-US membership.
Individual members are afforded all rights of membership including discounts on koha-US events and the ability to vote on all matters presented by the Board such as bylaws changes and future conference locations.
Your Primary Contact is {name-2}. Be sure to include {name-2} in the “Individual Member information” box below if membership is requested.
With the submission of this form, koha-US will issue invoice(s) as requested within three (3) business days.
Payments are accepted via check/money order or PayPal (M/V/AmEx/D — PayPal account NOT required)