Presentation Slides Recording
Get Me Into the koha Community Slides Recording
The Librarian Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (How to use bugzilla to stir up
trouble for the greater good)
Slides Recording
Urangi: An open source tool to build reports and dashboards No Slides Recording
A new twist on the Koha OPAC: 2 new Open Source solutions to maximize
patron satisfaction
The Power and Promise of Koha's ILL Module Slides
Koha Training from the Inside Out No Slides Recording
KEYNOTE No Slides Recording
koha-US Committees: What We’ve Learned & Where We’re Going (Part 1) Slides Recording
Transparency through public reports Slides Recording
Migrating to Koha in an Academic Library: Two Libraries' Stories No Slides Recording
Koha Make-Over: Adding Value to the OPAC and Staff Client Slides Recording
How to be an effective member of an organization like koha-US Slides Recording
Enabling Elasticsearch: Finding Pitfalls and Power on the Bleeding Edge Slides Recording
koha-US Committees - What We've Learned & Where We're Going (Part
Slides Recording
You Need Arrays Slides Recording
Unsupported? You're not on your own! Slides 1
Slides 2
SHLOCCIT: Patron-centric Metadata Slides not provided Recording
Sharing is Caring (about our patrons!) – How we do resource sharing
among our 110 libraries in our Koha union catalog
Slides Recording
Got a hundred dollars? Get an ILS! Slides
Authenticating through Koha for database access Slides Recording
Learn SQL Slides Recording
koha-US Meeting No Slides

koha-US now has a Threadless shop open for anyone who would like to buy koha-US 2019 conference related goods. You can find t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, coffee cups, and notbooks at

Any proceeds from sales at our Threadless shop will help fund the conference and future koha-US developments.